Alloy provides sophisticated investors with the infrastructure they need to interact with digital assets. Alloy provides an intuitive client-facing frontend, similar to a brokerage trading platform, and an API-solution for clients to integrate into existing infrastructure.

You can read more about our mission to bring digital assets to institutional investors here.

If you join us, you’ll be an early team member in helping shape:

  1. Our future company culture
  2. Our engineering practices
  3. People that we hire
  4. The direction & focus of our products

How do I get in touch?

You can email us your CV: [email protected] & we’ll be in touch! Alternatively, you can also reach out to us on LinkedIn. If your resume and background appear like a good match, someone will reach out for an initial phone screen.


Full-Stack Engineer (Node.js + React)

Backend Engineer (Node.js)

Investor Relations Professional

Content Marketing Manager

Research Analyst